Iwaki Lalamew is our preeminent local center in Iwaki. It includes a fish market, where fresh seafood brought from Onahama port can be enjoyed, various restaurants as well as souvenir shops.

오시는 길・영업 시간

Following memories…

In the morning, I watched a re-broadcast of "Amachan." It reminded me of the sea of a long time ago. It made me want to go to see the sea of Iwaki.

Iwaki Yumoto I.C. Shioyasaki Lighthouse -> Toyoma Coast -> Iwaki Lalamew


Start at Iwaki Yumoto I.C.

Shioyasaki Lighthouse

33 Aza-Yadozaki, Tairausuiso, Iwaki-City, Fukushima TEL: 0246-22-7477

Standing tall on a cliff 73 meters above the sea, Shioyasaki Lighthouse was built in 1900. The beautiful white lighthouse creates a stunning, poetic view against the bright blue of the sea.


Toyoma Coast

On the north side of the Toyoma Coast, there is a beautiful beach with "singing sand" which makes a "singing" sound when walked on.


Iwaki Lalamew

43-1 Aza Tatsumi-cho,Onahama, Iwaki City, Fukushima 971-8101


Iwaki Lalamew is packed with things to do. Look! Play! Taste! Let's create special memories and shop for souvenirs!

  • 福島県ホームページ
  • いわき市役所
  • 福島県の観光スポット、旬の地域情報が満載!ふくしまの旅[公式]
  • いわき市 観光情報サイト | ~フラガールが生まれた街 いわき~
  • アクアマリン福島
  • スパリゾートハワイアンズ
  • AEON MALL イオンモールいわき小名浜
  • いわき湯本温泉
  • 小名浜旅館ホテル組合
  • 3.11 伝承ロード
  • みなとオアシス
  • いわき産コシヒカリ Iwaki Laiki
  • フラシティいわきMaaS
  • 東日本大震災関連情報 放射線モニタリング測定結果等 | 原子力規制委員会