Iwaki Lalamew is our preeminent local center in Iwaki. It includes a fish market, where fresh seafood brought from Onahama port can be enjoyed, various restaurants as well as souvenir shops.

오시는 길・영업 시간

In Iwaki City, let us feel ancient times

Today I went out with my father, my mother, and my brother. I attend elementary school in Iwaki City, where I learned that a fossil of a dinosaur called “Futabasaurus” was discovered. “Dad, what’s a fossil?”

Iwaki Yotsukura I.C. Ammonite Center Iwaki City Sekitan Kasekikan (Coal Bed &Fossil Museum) -> Marine Science Museum (Aquamarine Fukushima) Iwaki Lalamew


Start on Iwaki Yotsukura I.C.

Ammonite Center

147-2 Tsurubo, Ohisa-machi, Iwaki City, Fukushima TEL: 0246-82-4561

At the ammonite center visitors can learn about how ammonite fossils are excavated.


Iwaki City Sekitan Kasekikan (Coal Bed &Fossil Museum)

3-1 Mukaida, Jobanyumoto-machi, Iwaki City, Fukushima TEL: 0246-42-3155

The Joban Coal Bed is full of history. The Futabasaurus, an ocean dinosaur, which is said to be 80 million years old and many fossils are exhibited. Visitors can enjoy a recreated tunnel and elevator to understand the feeling of entering a coal mine 600 meters beneath the ground. This town once flourished around the Joban coal mine.


Marine Science Museum (Aquamarine Fukushima)

50 Aza Tatsumi-cho,Onahama, Iwaki City, Fukushima 971-8101TEL: 0246-73-2525

Aquamarine Fukushima is where the Japan Current (Kuroshio) and Oyashio currents meet at what is known as the "tide sea." It is a place where we can appreciate the many wonders of the Pacific Ocean.


Iwaki Lalamew

43-1 Aza Tatsumi-cho,Onahama, Iwaki City, Fukushima 971-8101 TEL: 0246-92-3701


Iwaki Lalamew is packed with things to do. Look! Play! Taste! Let's create special memories and shop for souvenirs!

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