Iwaki Lalamew is our preeminent local center in Iwaki. It includes a fish market, where fresh seafood brought from Onahama port can be enjoyed, various restaurants as well as souvenir shops.

오시는 길・영업 시간


  • Q1.What is Iwaki Lalamew? Is it a market?

    A1.Iwaki Lalamew is a complex facility consisting of 5 fish stores, 1 BBQ restaurant, 15 other specialty stores, 8 food shops, and 4 restaurants. There is also a sightseeing cruise. Fish available at the market is brought in to Onahama Port. At the market, shoppers can enjoy bargaining with the local fishmongers. Products available for sale include local original Iwaki specialties. Food stores and restaurants feature abundant fresh seafood to enjoy. Sightseeing boats allow visitors the chance to take a cruise around Onahama Port while seagulls fly overhead.

  • Q2.What is the history of the name of Iwaki Lalamew?

    A2.The name derives from the twinkling lights of the blue ocean off the Iwaki coast, combined with the city’s symbolic bird, the seagull, and nickname “mew”. The name was chosen out of 4,763 entries from the public. The city’s symbolic bird seagull and nickname mew was decided at an event marking the 30th year anniversary of an Iwaki City municipal organization.

  • Q3.Is it possible to have fish purchased at different fishmongers' shops delivered together?

    A3.Yes. Please inquire at the final store where you wish to make a purchase, and follow their instructions.

  • Q4.Can fish purchased at Iwaki Lalamew be cleaned at the time of purchase? If so, to what degree can you clean a fish? For example, fillet or sashimi?

    A4.In any case, we will respond to your request. However, please understand that in certain cases, such as sashimi, we may not be able to fulfill the request.

  • Q5.When did Iwaki Lalamew first open?

    A5.It opened July 25th, 1997.

  • Q6.Is there a fee to use the Iwaki Lalamew training room?

    A6.Yes, there is a charge. Fore more information, please check the training room guide.

  • Q7.I would like to stop by Marine Science Museum (Aquamarine Fukushima). How long does it take to get there from Iwaki Lalamew?

    A7.It is located at No. 2 Wharf of Onohama Port, next to Iwaki Lalamew, about a five minute walk. If the weather is nice, it is a very enjoyable stroll.

  • Q8.Where is a good place to have fun on a rainy day at Iwaki Lalamew?

    A8.The entire facility is indoors. You can enjoy it on a rainy day or any day. However, sightseeing cruises may be suspended in the event of bad weather conditions.

  • Q9.When is the best time to enjoy Iwaki Lalamew ?

    A9.Anytime, but the evening scenery is especially nice. The bright red sunset, over the orange sea is a beautiful backdrop for the Marine Science Museum (Aquamarine Fukushima), filled with illumination. By all means, please visit at least once.

  • Q10.In Iwaki, what fish are currently in season now?

    A10.Iwaki's winter tastes like....
    monkfish, yellowtail, octopus, and squid! They are the best!

  • Q11.Is the black mound in the middle of the side road on the way to Iwaki Lalamew coal?

    A11.No, it is artificial black sand made from copper slag. It is used in a variety of applications, including as concrete aggregate, landfill, and as building materials and ground improvement materials. It will be used for building the harbor and as a component of a caisson, a large container of reinforced concrete.

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