Iwaki Lalamew is our preeminent local center in Iwaki. It includes a fish market, where fresh seafood brought from Onahama port can be enjoyed, various restaurants as well as souvenir shops.

오시는 길・영업 시간

Full Iwaki information! Live Iwaki Mew-seum

About Live Iwaki Mew-seum

On the second floor of the Iwaki Mew-seum, there is a mini-theater and display panels, which show videos for visitors to view the various faces of Iwaki.
Admission is free.

Iwaki Great East Japan Earthquake Exhibition

March 11, 2011 2:46 PM....
What happened in Iwaki on that day?
Things we want to forget, Things we can not forget, Things we should not forget. Now I think what we can do?


Fish Cooking Museum

I want you to know the deliciousness of fish.
We introduce more than 20 kinds of fish dishes that are easy and quick.


Iwaki Citizens Gallery

Exhibition of photos and paintings by citizens of Iwaki.

  • 福島県ホームページ
  • いわき市役所
  • 福島県の観光スポット、旬の地域情報が満載!ふくしまの旅[公式]
  • いわき市 観光情報サイト | ~フラガールが生まれた街 いわき~
  • アクアマリン福島
  • スパリゾートハワイアンズ
  • AEON MALL イオンモールいわき小名浜
  • いわき湯本温泉
  • 小名浜旅館ホテル組合
  • 3.11 伝承ロード
  • みなとオアシス
  • いわき産コシヒカリ Iwaki Laiki
  • フラシティいわきMaaS
  • 東日本大震災関連情報 放射線モニタリング測定結果等 | 原子力規制委員会